孕婦寫真是近年來非常流行的攝影類別,紀錄女人最美麗的時刻和母愛的起源。許多經典孕婦寫真 pose 和構圖雖然很有創意,但卻因被大量使用而顯得缺乏新意,如在準媽咪的肚子上用手比出愛心形狀、秀出超音波照片、用緞帶或布尺圍住肚圍等。孕婦寫真其中一個最大的意義是要表達出準媽媽的風格和心情,讓以下的創意寫真帶給妳新鮮的時尚靈感。
以前以後 創意紀錄
Credits (from the top): Sandra Bianco and Keila June Photography / Butterfly Chaser Photography / Tony Gigov Photography / Erin Darcy photography / Deana Jotugon Photography
未來的好友 – 跟姊妹一起拍, 加倍歡樂!
Credits (from the top, left to right): Jenn Moak / Buerrillanerd / Babysteals / Siri Jones Photography / Paisley Love Photography / Serene Photography / Heather Armstrong Photography
Credits (from the top): Webneel / Hanna Mac / Mamagama / Marco Ciofalo Digispace
Credits (from the top): Marco Ciofalo Photography / Comeonilene / Battle Plan Media / Rudolf Brosztl
Credits (from the top, left to right): Emm & Clau / Dream Photography / Simple Country Photography / Heather Franklin
Credits (from the top, left to right): BuzzFeed / Yuna Leonard / Andrea Sichel / Little BGCG / Double the Batch
Credits (from the top, left to right): FalaPhoto / Gregory Katsolis / Mamagama / Richard Calmes / Kevin Beasley
即將爆炸 童趣寫真
Credits (from the top, left to right): Mary Janes and Galoshes / CP Photography / TJ Photography / Emily Heizer Photography / Our Averyday Life
Credits (from the top, left to right): Axioo / Avia Rosen / Lisa Viox Photography / Grace Claire Photography / Meg Borders Photography / J Haltam Photography
Credits (from the top, left to right): Caroline Tran / Maggie Lynne / Axioo / Axioo / Axioo
Credits (from the top, left to right): Marcus Câmara / Pernille Nygård / Liz at Bon Temps Beignet / Marcus Câmara